As The First Time
Roy Verdonk (Netherlands) , Sebastiaan Holtland (Netherlands) , José Miguel Belloque Vane (Netherlands) . October 2017
Choreographed By
Kacy Hill
Choreographed to
First Time (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of As The First Time.

20th Oct 2017
This is a realy realy great dance!! The dance is co-choreographed by Roy Verdonk, Sebastiaan Holtland, & Jos Miguel Belloque Vane front the Netherlands. Wonderful dance!! Very great jobb guys. If you all like it please vote for this great dance!!
I give you guys 5 big stars ??????
I give you guys 5 big stars ??????
This is a realy realy great dance!! The dance is co-choreographed by Roy Verdonk, Sebastiaan Holtland, & Jos Miguel Belloque Vane front the Netherlands. Wonderful dance!! Very great jobb guys. If you all like it please vote for this great dance!!
I give you guys 5 big stars ??????
I give you guys 5 big stars ??????
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