Miss Me Yet
Sebastiaan Holtland (Netherlands) . September 2017
Choreographed By
Aaron Goodvin
Choreographed to
Miss Me Yet (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Miss Me Yet.

6th Oct 2017
Great dance do not let the fact that it is only 24 count deter you seems a much longer dance than you would think
Great dance do not let the fact that it is only 24 count deter you seems a much longer dance than you would think

2nd Oct 2017
Wowwwww Sebastiaan, also a very great dance!! I like Aaron Goodvin as artist. Lonely Drum is also a great song of him..
Very great jobb Sebastiaan Holtland.
Very great jobb Sebastiaan Holtland.
Wowwwww Sebastiaan, also a very great dance!! I like Aaron Goodvin as artist. Lonely Drum is also a great song of him..
Very great jobb Sebastiaan Holtland.
Very great jobb Sebastiaan Holtland.
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