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The Lone Ranger

Choreographed By
Karl-Harry Winson (UK). June 2016
Rachael Platten
Choreographed to

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Reviews of The Lone Ranger.

Kath Butler
6th Jul 2016
Another good offering from Karl, as usual the footwork reflecting track timing perfectly. However if like me you don't care for all full turns going to the left you might want to adapt a couple of them as there are 3 in this 48-count dance. I would suggest retaining the one in Section 1 (which is 1/2, 1/4, 1/4) and replacing the one in Section 3 with a coaster step. I also prefer to do a slow coaster at the end (Section 6, which is 1/2, 1/4, 1/4) in readiness for the full turn at the beginning of the sequence. The long Tag also ends with a pivot 1/2, pivot 1/2 to the left which I also like to replace with a slow coaster. Having said that, it's a personal thing about the left turns (there's no full turn right in it) and most of the class think it splendid as written.
Another good offering from Karl, as usual the footwork reflecting track timing perfectly. However if like me you don't care for all full turns going to the left you might want to adapt a couple of them as there are 3 in this 48-count dance. I would suggest retaining the one in Section 1 (which is 1/2, 1/4, 1/4) and replacing the one in Section 3 with a coaster step. I also prefer to do a slow coaster at the end (Section 6, which is 1/2, 1/4, 1/4) in readiness for the full turn at the beginning of the sequence. The long Tag also ends with a pivot 1/2, pivot 1/2 to the left which I also like to replace with a slow coaster. Having said that, it's a personal thing about the left turns (there's no full turn right in it) and most of the class think it splendid as written.

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