Kokoro No Tomo
Choreographed By
Mayumi Itsuwa
Choreographed to
Kokoro No Tomo (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Kokoro No Tomo.

Cape Town
22nd Mar 2016
This is one of my favorite dances. Yesterday, after a small party, I played the music while the dancers were chatting. Suddenly two of them look at me and say 'you must teach us this'. I give them a small demo of the dance and there is unanimous agreement that they want to learn it.
This is one of my favorite dances. Yesterday, after a small party, I played the music while the dancers were chatting. Suddenly two of them look at me and say 'you must teach us this'. I give them a small demo of the dance and there is unanimous agreement that they want to learn it.
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