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Girl Power

Choreographed By
Debbie McLaughlin (Unknown), José Miguel Belloque Vane (Netherlands), Simon Ward (Australia). October 2013
Choreographed to
1 (view)
Main Chart Position
Intermediate Chart Position
Vintage Chart Position

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Reviews of Girl Power.

David Spencer
10th Nov 2013
Dance this one a few times and then it really feels good. Its up to you how much of the suggested arm movements you incorporate and its easy enough to take out or adapt the turns if needed. At first I did have a problem restarting after the little break/bridge though!
Dance this one a few times and then it really feels good. Its up to you how much of the suggested arm movements you incorporate and its easy enough to take out or adapt the turns if needed. At first I did have a problem restarting after the little break/bridge though!

Karen (Hunn) Hadley
7th Nov 2013
Teaching this one next week to both my intermediate classes... been demonstrating it to them this last week after seeing comments on here and thinking that perhaps they may not like it if others don't, but all my dancers have said yes they definitely want to learn, really like the look of it and love the track, as I do... and like the first review on here I think this could be a hit.
Teaching this one next week to both my intermediate classes... been demonstrating it to them this last week after seeing comments on here and thinking that perhaps they may not like it if others don't, but all my dancers have said yes they definitely want to learn, really like the look of it and love the track, as I do... and like the first review on here I think this could be a hit.

Jane Middleton
24th Oct 2013
I agree with both these reviews in parts. Yes the music does get a bit monotonous but the dance steps and the arm moves complement the lyrics perfectly taking you through the dance. One of my dancers suffers from vertigo and can't do big, fast turns but managed to cut them out of this one and still enjoyed doing the dance. Would recommend this dance if you like a little challenge. It looks particularly good seeing a class dancing it altogether.
I agree with both these reviews in parts. Yes the music does get a bit monotonous but the dance steps and the arm moves complement the lyrics perfectly taking you through the dance. One of my dancers suffers from vertigo and can't do big, fast turns but managed to cut them out of this one and still enjoyed doing the dance. Would recommend this dance if you like a little challenge. It looks particularly good seeing a class dancing it altogether.

Maureen Bullock
24th Oct 2013
Sorry, meant to be NEWLINE. Apologies to Nuline, problem with all these similar titles.
Sorry, meant to be NEWLINE. Apologies to Nuline, problem with all these similar titles.

Maureen Bullock
24th Oct 2013
Really!Can only speak personally but found, as did others this Cher track to be very boringly monotone. The arms? many do not "do arms" felt more like keep fit routine at times. Very turney with complaints of dizziness. Top 5 ? with Nuline perhaps.
Really!Can only speak personally but found, as did others this Cher track to be very boringly monotone. The arms? many do not "do arms" felt more like keep fit routine at times. Very turney with complaints of dizziness. Top 5 ? with Nuline perhaps.

Burton upon Trent
20th Oct 2013
A Smash Hit for Jose, Debbie and Simon Ward! We had great fun learning this one especially the strike your Pose (Bridge) on Wall 6, the dance has been crafted very well indeed ... This dance won the Windy City Competition in America I feel it's going to be a winner here to, Brilliant song from Cher "Woman's World" 64 Counts, 2 Walls, 2 Restarts and a (pose) Bridge I mentioned (also there are optional arms for those that wish to do them throughout the dance) and of course not forgetting the Ending (Hand on right buttock! Looking to the front wall) Highly recommended ! A Top 5 Hit for sure!!!
A Smash Hit for Jose, Debbie and Simon Ward! We had great fun learning this one especially the strike your Pose (Bridge) on Wall 6, the dance has been crafted very well indeed ... This dance won the Windy City Competition in America I feel it's going to be a winner here to, Brilliant song from Cher "Woman's World" 64 Counts, 2 Walls, 2 Restarts and a (pose) Bridge I mentioned (also there are optional arms for those that wish to do them throughout the dance) and of course not forgetting the Ending (Hand on right buttock! Looking to the front wall) Highly recommended ! A Top 5 Hit for sure!!!

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