Dancing In Circles
Rachael McEnaney-White (US) . February 2011
Choreographed By
Love And Theft
Choreographed to
Dancing In Circles (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Dancing In Circles.

15th May 2011
Lovely track of music and the dance flows well to it. Some have trouble keeping up with the fast bit in the middle but on the whole liked by the majoity of our classes. Well done Rachael.
Lovely track of music and the dance flows well to it. Some have trouble keeping up with the fast bit in the middle but on the whole liked by the majoity of our classes. Well done Rachael.

22nd Apr 2011
Taught this dance this week and everyone loved it. Even though it's quite fast in places this didn't seem to cause any problems and was soon mastered, and absolutely gorgeous music that just makes you want to dance.
Taught this dance this week and everyone loved it. Even though it's quite fast in places this didn't seem to cause any problems and was soon mastered, and absolutely gorgeous music that just makes you want to dance.

24th Mar 2011
What a great dance, taught this to my class on Tuesday, everyone liked the dance, & loved the music. Hope it goes high in the charts, It deserves to.
What a great dance, taught this to my class on Tuesday, everyone liked the dance, & loved the music. Hope it goes high in the charts, It deserves to.

17th Mar 2011
Saw Rachel teaching this at Minehead as well, was also filming it (with Rachels knowledge) for my youtube channel 'TheTramdriver' as well
Saw Rachel teaching this at Minehead as well, was also filming it (with Rachels knowledge) for my youtube channel 'TheTramdriver' as well

15th Mar 2011
Lovely music. The dance just flows. All my class liked it.
Lovely music. The dance just flows. All my class liked it.

12th Mar 2011
If you like waltzes this is a great one.A little on the fast side at first but soon mastered another great dance from Rachael.
If you like waltzes this is a great one.A little on the fast side at first but soon mastered another great dance from Rachael.

7th Mar 2011
Absolutely gorgeous!!! Extremely well choreographed waltz to beautiful music! Was a hit at the Minehead weekend - well done Rachael - we love it!!
Absolutely gorgeous!!! Extremely well choreographed waltz to beautiful music! Was a hit at the Minehead weekend - well done Rachael - we love it!!

20th Apr 2011
This dance was loved by all the women in the class - but the men struggled with it. Most commented that the basic waltz step section were awkward for them as it leads with the right foot and men are used to leading with the left when dancing a waltz.
This dance was loved by all the women in the class - but the men struggled with it. Most commented that the basic waltz step section were awkward for them as it leads with the right foot and men are used to leading with the left when dancing a waltz.
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