Tongue Tied Up
Choreographed By
Choreographed to
Tongue tied (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Tongue Tied Up.

20th Apr 2017
Thank you for a fun dance ladies, this went down so well at class. 64 counts with easy armography that adds to the fun, Well choreographed so that each section flows and nothing to get stressed about, favourite section is the 'tippy toes' created a lot of laughs. I'm sure this will stand the test of time, highly recommended dance.
Thank you for a fun dance ladies, this went down so well at class. 64 counts with easy armography that adds to the fun, Well choreographed so that each section flows and nothing to get stressed about, favourite section is the 'tippy toes' created a lot of laughs. I'm sure this will stand the test of time, highly recommended dance.

14th Apr 2017
Great dance by great people, well done Teresa & vera. Xx
Great dance by great people, well done Teresa & vera. Xx

12th Apr 2017
frantic fun with a 1920s ballroom feel, >> not everyones cup of tea but WHAT A NICE CHANGE > easy teach no tags great !!
frantic fun with a 1920s ballroom feel, >> not everyones cup of tea but WHAT A NICE CHANGE > easy teach no tags great !!

Barkham, Berkshire
4th Apr 2017
This is such a fun dance from Teresa and Vera with great step combinations which fit the dance perfectly. Love the tippy toe section, something a bit different. Loved by my classes.
This is such a fun dance from Teresa and Vera with great step combinations which fit the dance perfectly. Love the tippy toe section, something a bit different. Loved by my classes.

West Midlands
4th Apr 2017
straight forward teach, just the tippy toes bit, not difficult just unusual, fills the floor very popular
straight forward teach, just the tippy toes bit, not difficult just unusual, fills the floor very popular

24th Mar 2017
Fab dance, fits the music perfectly and once I got my head around the "tippy toes" it was an easy teach, classed loved it to...well done girls xx
Fab dance, fits the music perfectly and once I got my head around the "tippy toes" it was an easy teach, classed loved it to...well done girls xx

22nd Mar 2017
Class really liked this one just that little bit different and an easy grows on you too. One of our favourites at the moment.
Class really liked this one just that little bit different and an easy grows on you too. One of our favourites at the moment.

19th Mar 2017
We loved the dance and the music ,Well Done xx
We loved the dance and the music ,Well Done xx

16th Mar 2017
Taught this dance and everyone loves it, lots of fun and no nasties!! You can floor split with lamtarra rhumba to coco jambo too :-)
Taught this dance and everyone loves it, lots of fun and no nasties!! You can floor split with lamtarra rhumba to coco jambo too :-)

14th Mar 2017
Ear worm music that is fab teaching next weeks
As some of my guys away . A good selection of steps
I have been a bit cheeky and played as Cowgirl Charston for
my beginners happy faces so well done Teresa and Vera .
Also tested dance out to country tracks yes we can dance
It with a live artist . Happy Dancin' from Monica V
As some of my guys away . A good selection of steps
I have been a bit cheeky and played as Cowgirl Charston for
my beginners happy faces so well done Teresa and Vera .
Also tested dance out to country tracks yes we can dance
It with a live artist . Happy Dancin' from Monica V
Ear worm music that is fab teaching next weeks
As some of my guys away . A good selection of steps
I have been a bit cheeky and played as Cowgirl Charston for
my beginners happy faces so well done Teresa and Vera .
Also tested dance out to country tracks yes we can dance
It with a live artist . Happy Dancin' from Monica V
As some of my guys away . A good selection of steps
I have been a bit cheeky and played as Cowgirl Charston for
my beginners happy faces so well done Teresa and Vera .
Also tested dance out to country tracks yes we can dance
It with a live artist . Happy Dancin' from Monica V

9th Mar 2017
Really like this dance. It is so different, like a breath of fresh air
Really like this dance. It is so different, like a breath of fresh air

7th Mar 2017
Great fun dance with easy steps. Taught this to 2 classes and has been a big hit with both, brings the smiles out. Well done T & V
Great fun dance with easy steps. Taught this to 2 classes and has been a big hit with both, brings the smiles out. Well done T & V

4th Mar 2017
What a brilliant dance, I had so much fun teaching this especially the "tippy toes" and the walks (which we do with a swagger - Lambeth walk style) ??
I give this 5 stars for not only the choreography but the fun factor too!
Well done girls xxx
I give this 5 stars for not only the choreography but the fun factor too!
Well done girls xxx
What a brilliant dance, I had so much fun teaching this especially the "tippy toes" and the walks (which we do with a swagger - Lambeth walk style) ??
I give this 5 stars for not only the choreography but the fun factor too!
Well done girls xxx
I give this 5 stars for not only the choreography but the fun factor too!
Well done girls xxx

1st Mar 2017
Fun dance that fits well to catchy music.. Easy to learn the dance flows well with a some unusual steps. In the same vein as 'Liquid Lunch'
Fun dance that fits well to catchy music.. Easy to learn the dance flows well with a some unusual steps. In the same vein as 'Liquid Lunch'
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