Naughty Boy
Patricia Stott (UK) . June 2013
Choreographed By
Bowie Jane
Choreographed to
Bad Boy (view all dances to this track) 

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Reviews of Naughty Boy.

16th Jun 2013
Super little 64/ 4 Improvers "Fun" Dance from Pat Stott, went down extremely well on first teach yesterday. Two easy remembered tags. with a really easy teach made it worthwhile. A real credit to Pat putting a little "Fun" back into her dances and enjoyed by all levels. Certainly one for the classes and socials. Catchy Music "Bad Boy" from Bowie Jane which is released 8th July, although the video can be view on YouTube. Which will make you Smile!! With so many new dances appearing it's nice to have a restbite with a easy Improvers. Thanks Pat Cheered me up!!
Super little 64/ 4 Improvers "Fun" Dance from Pat Stott, went down extremely well on first teach yesterday. Two easy remembered tags. with a really easy teach made it worthwhile. A real credit to Pat putting a little "Fun" back into her dances and enjoyed by all levels. Certainly one for the classes and socials. Catchy Music "Bad Boy" from Bowie Jane which is released 8th July, although the video can be view on YouTube. Which will make you Smile!! With so many new dances appearing it's nice to have a restbite with a easy Improvers. Thanks Pat Cheered me up!!

19th Jun 2013
This is a great dance!. You will have lots of fun with all the varied steps - which hit the beat every time. Very highly recommended :-)
This is a great dance!. You will have lots of fun with all the varied steps - which hit the beat every time. Very highly recommended :-)

17th Jul 2013
Taught this cute fun dance yesterday. Enjoyed by everyone! Thanks Pat !
Taught this cute fun dance yesterday. Enjoyed by everyone! Thanks Pat !

18th Jun 2013
Great little dance, and we had sooooo much fun with the Tick Toc section...instead of following me they just stood there and watched me.....Not Hard, everyone can do this. Highly recommended
Great little dance, and we had sooooo much fun with the Tick Toc section...instead of following me they just stood there and watched me.....Not Hard, everyone can do this. Highly recommended

18th Jun 2013
definately on my teach list this one, looks great
definately on my teach list this one, looks great

17th Jun 2013
The Music is now available!! Enjoy it, we aren Thanks Pat for the info!!
The Music is now available!! Enjoy it, we aren Thanks Pat for the info!!

West Midlands
21st Jun 2013
What fun we had learning this one, there were a few variations on the tic toc section but everyone loved it, filled the floor each time I played it, it puts the fun back into Line dancing
What fun we had learning this one, there were a few variations on the tic toc section but everyone loved it, filled the floor each time I played it, it puts the fun back into Line dancing
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